Monday, January 10, 2011

Hogmanay: Part 4!

Woo, last one! 

The last two days in Scotland weren't all that special. Mostly because of the whole out all night thing, and the hang over thing... Yeeep. I mean, there are a couple of good stories, or I would have ended this series with the last post. Like, for example how Mr. Crazy had some sort of minor psychotic break! 

Oh yes. He totally did. 

After the two girls left for a nicer hostel with heat and the sort of amenities you just sort of expect from a hostel in a developed country, they were replaced by two guys. Two guys who snored. Honestly, snoring is not a big deal for me for one night. My brother's snoring used to be so loud that I could hear him even though our bedrooms were located on different levels and on opposite sides of the house. It was like extreme snoring. Don't worry, he had surgery and got it fixed. 

This snoring wasn't that bad, but then again, my perspective is off. When I finally crawled into bed after 5 am I had a sort of moment of, "Seriously? Seriously? This hostel is the worst!" but what are you going to do? People snore. If you don't want to listen to it, put out the money for a hotel. Apparently, Mr. Crazy and I were not on the same wavelength on this subject. As I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, all of a sudden there was this loud clapping sound. 


I jolted awake and looked over to see Mr. Crazy laying there with his hands together, clapping, trying to wake up the other people so they would stop snoring [I'm assuming, anyway]. Really? Just, really? It happened at regular intervals during the five hours I slept in that room that night. I could sleep through the snoring fine, but every time Mr. Crazy started clapping like a madman he woke me up. HE was disturbing my sleep. But did he care? Of course not, he's the crazy guy who jumps out of top bunks and has psychotic breaks and who responds to everything with, "Oh, bless!"

Theeeen it got worse.

He jolted awake at some point and started cursing and generally acting like the little girl from The Exorcist. He shook his bunk bed, then reached out and started to shake the one I was on. Yeah, the rooms were that small. I pretended to be asleep because I didn't want to deal with it. The snoring stopped, so I assumed his fit woke up the snorers. He eventually got up and left the room, I got up to charge my electronics a little while later.

Of course, by the time my electronics were done charging, my key card no longer worked. But good luck trying to get them to reset it. The other guy who worked and slept at the hostel was all, "No, I can't do it, I need to go back to bed." Uhm, okay, well how am I supposed to get into my room again? "Oh, I'll let you back in if you ask me." Yeah, except you're going to bed. Not acceptable. There were three of us sitting in the lobby, discussing Mr. Crazy and his antics, trying to convince the other employee to reset our access cards. It was just ridiculous. Eventually he got Mr. Crazy to do it, and while he was setting up our cards he managed to sink to new depths of delusion.

The snorers went to check out, and Mr. Crazy acted like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. The conversation was peppered with, "Oh bless, oh bless!" Then he actually had the nerve to ask them to go and get their dirty bed linens, to save him some time later. I am not even kidding. It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this when I say that the snorers scoffed at the very idea. Went back into the room, and presumably stood there for a couple seconds because they definitely didn't gather up their bedding, and then left the hostel for good.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get to Loony Dook, which is what Scottish people call their Polar Bear Dip. Everyone kept telling us that it was only a few minutes away, that it wasn't starting until 3. Yeah, no. We ended up getting a £30 cab ride to Queensferry. Everyone had already dipped and left, but one straggler had lost a bet so went into the water while we were there. It was a pretty little area, so we walked around and took lots of pictures. Unfortunately, it appeared a little less pretty when we ended up waiting one and a half hours for a bus that was supposed to arrive every 40 minutes. Yeeeep. I froze, towards the end I honestly didn't think I'd ever be warm again. It was awful.

On the second I gleefully checked out of the horrible hostel. Taking my luggage with me even though it meant carrying it around for five hours until my train departed. L asked me if I was going to leave my luggage at the hostel when she came down to get me, but because I'm twelve I just loudly went, "No, this hostel is shit, I don't trust them at all," and then let the door slam shut, with me, happily, on the outside. It sucked a bit, dragged a suitcase around, then having to check it at the Art Gallery when I decided to go look at the Monet paintings, but seriously, worth it in the end to not have to go back to the hostel ever again.

Annnnd, that was my super fabulous Edinburgh trip. I've now been to every country on this island, so it's time to explore other islands and the mainland! First up: A whirlwind tour of Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary this weekend! Woo! Don't worry, I probably won't write about that trip in such detail. Uhm, especially considering my page views went down, so I'm assuming no one's interested. Oh well! A Royal Mail update will be the next post.

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