Sunday, January 30, 2011

Royal Fail: The Conclusion!

I am so, so, sorry this has taken forever to write. Life kind of exploded all over the place in the last couple of weeks with my trip, an accidental allergic reaction, an accidental illness, some socializing, my computer being a douchebag, etc. I actually started this post once and then my computer shut down on me because it's a jerk and for some reason Blogger didn't save the majority of the post, so I logged out in annoyance and then got busy.

But, here it is, just in time for February, the conclusion on how Royal Mail tried to ruin my Christmas!

Okay, so, like I mentioned in the last Royal Fail post, ParcelForce had been completely useless in their e-mails. Right before Christmas I sent them another e-mail telling them [because I suspected that they didn't know, didn't care, are stupid] that my parcel has been located, but it's taking forever to get to Canada, and since, you know, that three day delivery thing didn't happen, can I get a portion of the delivery fees back? 

I wasn't expecting an immediate answer with it being super close to Christmas and all. I was kind of surprised that I got a reply as early as December 29th. At the time I was in Edinburgh, and unable [okay, unwilling, since I only had my phone] to respond immediately. 

At the time, I wasn't upset about the e-mail, but when I got home from Edinburgh and actually read the e-mail, I became pretty infuriated. They completely ignored my query regarding reimbursement, and instead had sent me a stock reply that said, in part: 

"Before Christmas additional resource was working within all depots to help deliver the outstanding parcels that were held due to the continuous adverse weather conditions. The majority of parcels were delivered and we hope that yours was one of them."

And that, folks, is when my well of patience ran dry. Completely over dealing with the morons at ParcelForce and Royal Fail, I threw a customer bitchfit. Or rather, my version of one, I guess. They told me I could reply to the e-mail if I had any further questions, so I did. I absolutely lost it, and sent a very strongly worded e-mail while still managing to remain polite. I called them out for not even addressing my concerns, I reminded them I had paid a great deal of money to send this parcel in plenty of time for Christmas, I mentioned again the three day delivery they promised me, and I pretty much demanded that they answer my questions IMMEDIATELY RAWRRRRRRRRRRRR! Also, I may have accused them of not even reading my previous e-mail. Yeeep.

"How did a bear get a computer and learn to type?"
the idiots at ParcelForce asked each other upon
 receiving my e-mail.

It worked. ParcelForce sent out a reply the next day, where they pretty much proved my point about their reading comprehension skills. I stated several times in the e-mail that I had sent the parcel. In their reply they were all, "You need to contact the sender of the parcel and have that person fill out claims form." I AM THE PERSON WHO SENT THE PARCEL, FOOLS! I can't handle idiots, I really can't. This while situation with ParcelForce has been an exercise, or a lesson, or I don't even know what, in just the extreme malaise that apparently exists in the postal service in this country and I was so over it by January 4th that even walking past the post office on my street made me want to kick something. 

Anyway, ParcelForce was adamant that they couldn't deal with my enquiry until I requested a search sent out on the parcel. Something they did not inform me of in one of the many, earlier e-mails I sent. Well, that's fine, except my parcel arrived on January 4th. My mom picked it up from the post office in Canada and had opened the gifts by the time ParcelForce had e-mailed me back. Which is great, it;'s better to arrive one month from posting it than not at all.

I didn't bother to follow up after that, because of the whole parcel arriving thing, which I suspect was ParcelForce and Royal Mail's intentions all along. "Maybe if we act stupid and annoying enough, no one will ever submit a claim!" Which is fine, whatever. I just won't send any more packages. Not a great loss for them in the long run, but the story's out there, and I certainly don't have good things to say about Royal Mail if people ask me.

Honestly, the most frustrating part of this whole saga is how being nice got me nowhere. I sent out e-mail after e-mail, politely worded and completely understanding, and got nothing in return. I never would have known that I couldn't submit a valid claim until a search was sent out on the parcel unless I had lost my temper with them. So, now, when dealing with Royal Mail in the future [please, no], I'm not going to want to waste my time being nice for weeks and weeks, I'm going to get angry first so I can get faster and better results and customer service.

That's not how it should be. Seriously, Royal Mail, what is wrong with you?

Oh, and my family totally loved their gifts. (:

<3 Jade

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