Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The Korean Film Festival

So, sometimes I like to joke that my life is a romantic comedy before the cute boy shows up. You know, the part where the heroine is bumbling her way through life, making hilarious gaffs and generally being insane. That is pretty much me in a nutshell, honestly. But don't put me in a nutshell. I'll die.

Anyway, last Friday I went to the centre for a bit. Took in the National Portrait Gallery and decided to go see a film with my friend, Welshie. That's not her real name, just so you know.

CONTINUING ON. We went to see Burke and Hare, which was as hilarious as a movie about two murderers can be. Surprisingly, when Simon Pegg is involved, this is very hilarious. I think my favourite part was the music. I'm honestly [not really] starting to think that Scotland only has two songs. Scotland the Brave, played on pipes, which was used at the beginning of the movie to let the audience know that the film was set in Scotland. And, 500 Miles, that hilarious song about walking 1000 miles to pass out on some poor girl's doorstep. Because nothing says true love like a song about getting drunk and havering [which apparently means 'babble like an idiot' and not 'puke your guts out' like I've been assuming for years] FOR LOVE. This song was played during the end credits. I'm sure it was a joke, and if you've watched the movie you'll get why it's hilariously appropriate but also hilariously tasteless.

I'm a little worried that my New Year's Eve in Edinburgh will just feature these two songs on repeat until it's time for Auld Lang Syne. That's also Scottish, apparently. My knowledge of Scotland is terrible because all I know I learned from this museum in my hometown [THE BIRTHPLACE OF NEW SCOTLAND] and they totally got it twisted and definitely rewrote bits to make the Scots look fantastic and the English even worse than normal. And let's be honest, England doesn't appear all that favourably [unless they're writing it] in history for like 500 years. Colonialism ftl!

Anyway, I do know Scotland has loads of fantastic music. My cousin listens to this stuff that can be best described as 'Cape Breton Alehouse Music' and I at least know I can dance to that! I am totally looking forward to hearing some other awesome Scottish music at New Year's though. Woo!

Okay, so that was a long winded tangent because the reason for this post is what happened after the film was over. Welshie and I got up, walked out of the cinema... and onto a red carpet.

I am not joking. There were people just inside posing on this backdrop thing while some guy snapped their photo. We dashed across that like ninja, and out the doors and BAM, red carpet city.

We had walked into the opening night of the London Korean Film Festival.

At first I thought it was no big thing [you know, like how Dal will have red carpets for costume or theatre events], but there were a couple people there with cameras, and they stopped flashing because, well, it was obvious that we weren't Korean film stars. There were people waiting to walk onto the carpet, and other people milling around. All while I stood there with Welshie paralysed with fear because I clearly wasn't supposed to be there. They had everything blocked off to prevent the cameras from getting too close, so we had to make a mad dash for the only way out: The way people were walking onto the red carpet.

Everyone seemed pretty nice, or at least, no one yelled at us, or looked like they were yelling at us. We had to pass a security guard to leave the carpet, and he didn't spare us much of a glance. He just waved us out. I'm not sure if I came into close contact with any Korean film stars, but I honestly wouldn't be able to tell. I don't know a thing about Korean films or their celebrities.

I did some googling later and found out that the film they were showing that night, at the theatre I was at, was kind of a big deal. The Man From Nowhere is a massive hit in Korea.

Well, I'm glad I got to be a part of it, even if it was to totally mess up their red carpet for a minute or so.

Sorry, Korea!

<3 Jade

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